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Hi, I’m Brooke!

I began my fitness journey like most women do—endless cardio and an absolute fixation on being as thin as possible. I ate as little as possible, ran as much as possible, and avoided using anything heavier than 10lbs at all costs. Sure, I could show off my jutting collarbones, ribs and hips… but it nearly killed me. Not just my body. It nearly killed my soul and spirit too.

I was exhausted and depressed, but more than anything… I was PISSED.

It was all a lie.

I’d been sold the narrative that once I achieved my smallest self, I’d finally be my happiest self too. But it was all utter bullshit.

This realization catapulted me headfirst into the world of strength. My workouts went from being a form of self-punishment to a form of celebration and freedom. I went from hating my body, to begrudgingly resecting it, then finally, to becoming absolutely in awe of it.

I found out the big secret they’d been hiding from us all along… WOMEN ARE SO MCUH STRONGER THAN WE EVEN REALIZE

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 My Credentials



Pre & Postnatal Coach

Personal Trainer

Group Fitness Instructor

USAPL (USA Powerlifting) Coach

TRX Instructor


Pelvic floor & core

Mind-muscle connection 

Pain-free movement

Posture correction

Upper back & glute strengthening


Mental health & ADHD advocate

Nationals & Worlds competing powerlifter

White belt in BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu)

Summited Mt. Rainier in 2022 (14,410ft)

Fur momma of two dogs and one catMental health & ADHD advocate

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 Live In Portland Oregon?
